FS2002 Val-U-Prop Douglas DC-3 Plane and Panel
Val-U-Prop is a (fictional) rogue airline based in Bloomington, Indiana, that flies everything from VIPs to sheep manure anyplace and anytime. VP's motto is "No job too small; No fee too large," and our DC-3's and DC-6's can be seen hedge-hopping into various obscure airports throughout the USA. Based on the lovely DC-3 Pluna by Daniel Gazzano, this aircraft is a re-paint of the fabulous DC-3 OH-LCH by Jan Visser, Erik Ellis, Roy Chaffin, Ian Roper and Bill Rambow, to which FS2002 lights have been added. Panel includes everything on main panel, except for GPS, so there is no tabbing. (Default pop-up radio stack is also included.) Panel is based on photographs by Bill Blanchard (lower panel) and Shawn Clark (upper). The very aluminal wing views were shot by Thomas Andre Hjelmen, and the 1930s cabin was photographed by Ben Wang and is populated with various VIPs. All of this brought to you by Val-U-Prop - where WE VAL-U-YOU! By James Underwood